Things you will need:
1. Nail brush
2. Smallest dotting tool (here, I used a pin)
3. cotton bud
1. Paint a white base color.
2. Drip a drop of red polish onto aluminium foil (or plastic, paper etc) and dap the cotton bud onto the red polish. Then, dap the cotton bud onto the nail to create five petals. You will need to dap onto the red polish for about 2-3 times.
3. Using the dotting tool and black polish, create many small black dots in the middle of the petals.
4. Using the nail brush, paint the stalk with green polish. Wait for it to dry completely before adding a topcoat (this is to prevent the polish from dragging).
I have used cotton bud to make the petals so as to create the fluffiness of petals. I can't think of any other tools to create this look so I settled for cotton bud! :)
Thanks for reading! :)